deKay's Lofi Gaming

2007: A Year in Gaming – Epilogue

Phew, eh? That’s a lot of games. Overall, I’ve completed 61 this year, and played around 200 (if you include demos).¬¨‚Ć So what was best?¬¨‚Ć What was unexpected? Biggest Surprise Almost certainly Halo 3. I didn’t like the campaign mode (which I played a fair bit of in co-op – I actually completed it too, although didn’t play every chapter). The surprise was enjoying online multiplayer as much as I did. Team Fortress 2 is better, in my opinion (especially …

Half-Life 2 (360)

Now, you see, I bought The Orange Box for Portal. And nothing else. Although I did think that perhaps I’d like Team Fortress 2 a bit, as although not my usual sort of game, the unseriousness of it appealed. And so It Was Done, and The Game of Orange was Purchased, and Lo, Portal was Divine and Team Fortress 2 was Lovely. There was much rejoicing. And today, I was going to play TF2 a bit more, for I thought, …

Endless Ocean (Wii)

Hmm. I’ve just realised that I didn’t add this game to my database when I was updating it yesterday. Hence no little box art thing. Bah. Anyway. Today I took Oldman for another dive (isn’t there anyone else who needs a tour?), and found a few more items (like a picture frame). I also unlock the Aquarium, which I filled with assorted fishes. Mostly sharks and rays, of course. And a sea lion. After that, I went night diving looking …

Portal (360)

No, I have no idea why the “The Orange Box” box goes pink when you resize it to the thumbnail you see on the left. Most odd. Since I don’t want to complete Mario Galaxy too quickly, I’ve decided to play something else for a bit. Yeah, I know I have Phantom Arsegas and Shadow of a Colostomy on the go at the moment, but, well, this arrived yesterday and everyone says it’s ace and I’m weak. What I don’t …

Hexic 2 (360)

You know, this is my 2000th Gaming Diary post. 2000 posts. Amazing. Played Hexic 2 for a couple of hours this evening. First spent over an hour playing my wife at Battle Mode, but soon had to stop playing as she got good at it and began to win. Tch. It’s pretty good, and there’s a power-up dynamic to the game which I’ve not seen in any other puzzle game. Power-ups are only available at certain times, and either of …